Monday, May 27, 2013

Don't Sex, Sneeze or Snog: Meningitis Goes Gays In NYC

New York Times is reporting a meningitis that is attacking and has killed a number of gay/bisexual men in the city. It is easier to catch than HIV. By saliva..kissing, sharing a cigarette or joint or being sneezed on. The good news is there is a meningitis vaccine that if received will protect guys for up to five years. And they are trying to get the news out before all the gay pride events this summer cuz we gay guys love to travel. Definitely check with your Dr. to see if you have had that vaccine in the last five years and get it if not. Over 10,200 vaccinations have been given in NYC at clubs, sex clubs, house parties. 50% of the cases have been from the African-American gay/bisexual community and 18% from Hispanic and rest from white guys. It does not seem to infect women. Check out the article in New York Times!

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