The answer is both historical and harsh.
Mainly practice and education.
If you calculate by generations White, Asian, Latino, Native, Blacks in America from the late 1400s to present that’s about 500 years, rounded off.
A human generation is approximately 35 years. Therefore White people have had 14–18 generations practice with money.
Because of impositions:
- laws barring capital accumulation,
- lack of ability to transfer the product of work or property—-in inheritance or legally;
- the absorption by White preference to land giveaways from the government; the ability of Whites to be a $5 Indian—-when you could pay to become legally marked as an Indian and therefore given land of ten, twenty, two hundred acres for free or at low prices,
- the micro amount of colleges to higher education and training up until the 1880s to the 1960s
- and finally the discrimination of the GI Bill—-
Black Americans have been excluded from money, finance, and wealth in America, for all of us, equal opportunity, for about 10 of the 14 generations we might be able to trace back being here in some form/biologically.
That means that Black people en masse are learning about money since about 1900?
The Great Migration, The two wars, Civil Rights Movement and slow inclusion into the Industrial Age. Comparatively speaking we could say that of my whole lineage here in America dating back pre-1400s, only and starting with, my great-grandfather “learned/was/has been” let into the Money/Ownership Club.
Yes, there were financial outliers two to five generations previous to the 1900s who were Black but they were one, a micro fraction of our overall population and two, they were still subjected to the mass laws of financial oppression so they could help, finance, take care of small pockets of family, neighborhoods, even small towns but not inculcate the entire race with financial education, knowledge and then abilities.
Think of it like this, imagine 7 out of 10 White people didn’t know who George Washington was.
That’s the repercussion into financial ignorance that oppressive doctrines has pressed Black people.
So we’re playing catch-up.
From my own family.
My mother in her early 40s settled a civil suit from a car accident and was awarded more than half a million dollars. She came home and announced that we’d won and then she shared a strange prescient moment. She said that there had been ups and downs and wranglings in the case, it was eventually bifurcated, but she’d prevailed. She said though, when she looked over at the opposing attorneys who’d been so hell bent on there not being a settlement, one of them looked at her with a pitying smile: she said that he could see that the she would ruin the money,wouldn’t know what to do with it, truly hadn’t won.
She said this the day she won.
Now she had a reasonably Intermediate to Advanced financial education—-let’s call her a Level 6. She’d been preparing taxes for years as a part time job, worked for AT&T on computer projects, had put on a movie premiere at Lincoln Center, had started several small businesses, purchased real estate, taught me about business, entrepreneurship and incorporation.
But even she was aware of her educational gap about money. Eventually, within about 7 years she and my stepfather ran through what would’ve conservatively turned into $2 million dollars.
The lawyer had been right. Or at least my mother’s projection had been right.
The other Level 5 was perhaps my uncle who’s raised a family, bought a house, had a pension from the post office, life insurance, but certainly didn’t die wealthy, nor leave an immense amount to his two children and wife. The same goes for two other aunts, who we would rank 3s and 4s in Financial IQ.
As far as I know, and it would be obvious, I’m the only one who has formally gone to school to study finance. I’m one out of about 40+ immediate relatives. This includes grandparents and great grandparents. The height of my overall family’s Financial Education ability has been real estate purchasing which has happened in my great grandparents, uncle, 1 aunt and my mother but not my father or stepfathers.
My mother and 1 cousin are the only one’s to legitimately, filing, taxes, incorporation, grants, etc. cross into formalized entrepreneurship—-creating products, being an owner. Because of that I was able to do that by the time I was 14 and continue to do so.
This has to do with education—-of those 40+ relatives—-only about 5 went to college and only 2 of us completed it so my relatives have mainly had blue collar or “pink” collar jobs—-I’m the first titled professional in the family besides another cousin (whom I helped get the position) and a much older distant cousin, who’ve become teachers. No doctors, no lawyers, exactly, though my studies including educational policy from the law school—-I have no real interest in practicing law as a “lawyer”.
Of the 40+, there are only past and present, 7 real estate owners in my entire family, for the past 2 generations.
Now let’s macro expand that to an average of 10% of African Americans probably experience the direct markers of real estate ownership, life insurance, pensions, beneficiaries, entrepreneurship, investing, all of those segments manifesting into potential wealth.
Enough of us aren’t Practiced and Educated to cross the gap. We normally don’t talk about this as an ongoing problem or an issue that can’t be settled easily. And it can’t. Probably not in the next two or three generations. Especially with our lack of interest in reading and hating of math——which is so culturally embedded that I often tell students that we should list where White Supremacy is winning. We’re not learning fast enough, or en masse enough.
What Are the Solutions?
I’ve been watching a lot of Dr. Boyce Watkins videos on You Tube and he has a whole Black Business School which teaches to 70,000 people online. That’s pretty fantastic. He’s in his early 40s so if you calculate a lifespan to 80s, he will probably help to Educate at least 1 million to Level 4–6. Most Black people are at Level 3 or lower—-which is paycheck to paycheck, expectation of government assistance, permanent renters/permanently in poverty.
In my classes, TV show and online I try to do something similar to Watkin’s work. I teach several vocational classes and certifications I make it a point to include the Playbook for Life, a financial primer handout and the Abyssinian Development Corp. (here in NYC) first time home buyer's application for a $35, 6 hour class that gives $47,5000 max towards the purchase of a first home.
But I’ll tell you a dark, dark secret about Black folk: Slavery, as a brainwashing technique, worked on the vast majority of the Black population’s offspring.
We’ve foolishly repeated the propaganda and brainwashing in our own homes, to our children, so that about 80% of the entire Black population is hypnotized, distracted, brainwashed into a “slave mentality.” Or perhaps more forgivingly, we didn’t have the social barriers to act as force fields—-stronger non-American (White) culture, separate unifying language, a homeland to inure us from the White capitalistic imposition as oppression even when not in legal bondage any longer.
We’re not poor. We have a lot of disposable cash (can you say Black Panther?). I would say, and I’ve worked with really poor populations here in NYC and the South—-we have extra money for cell phones, designer clothes, cars (that we buy (lease) for social validation), vacations, TVs, entertainment, sports, illicit entertainment like porn, drugs, strip clubs but we don’t have money to invest, to save, to put on insurance policies where we could capitalize off of our heart disease and diabetes and push forward the next generation.
A slave mentality has distracted us to only think as one generation—-to think of ourselves first and only, our own lives and pleasure, not our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren—-especially doing better than us—-that’s not a goal of Black people as a mass, in almost a jealous way. I have experienced parents who were hell bent on my not getting or having better than them not for some dark crime but because they couldn’t have it.
In many ways, through social validation through materialism, we’re trying to prove to White America that we’re just as good as them——on the street, in the club, at Costco, in the office with gold necklaces/bracelets/rings, cell phones, cars, designer bags, True Religion jeans, thousand dollar hair weaves—-when we don’t possess the same financial foundation that they have historically been provided.
The numbers are sharp:
- White households in America hold an average of $145,000 in “wealth”—-this means things like equity, owned homes, stocks, pensions, beneficiary pointed mechanisms to transfer money/wealth/ownership.
- Black households is at $19,000.
- Latino households is at $25,000. (The slight increase has to do with mi familia—-a tighter family unit and therefore a greater “knowledge transfer”—-one learns and they infuse it to the family and then the family, pooling resources, acts to buy property, start a small business, etc..)
As an ethnic group we also suffer from both Brain and Money Drain.
Brain Drain
Black Americans lack a financial base/community where we can, once we educate at colleges (Black or White), then turn and go back to a Black community (Black school, Black banks, Black retail, Black real estate, Black manufacturing—-owned) and contribute our knowledge to growing that business, learning a business, perhaps even starting a business within a wholly Black community.
We educate at Black or “White” colleges and our smartest and brightest then go to work in non-Black capitalizing enterprises. Other ethnic communities from Little Havana to Chinatown to Dearborn MI (that has a large Arab/Indian/Muslim population), the Southwest for Mexicans, Ecuadorians, Colombians (due to language), have spaces where there are full communities that can support their returning educated youth.
Yes, there are Black businesses, plants, companies, owned by Blacks but then the second part occurs.
Money Drain
Our money doesn’t stay within our community (social validation being a big shopping goal), it leaves it. So in the above example our responsible, socially conscious college graduate finds a Black business to work for that is owned by Black people. They are able to make a great salary of $100,000 a year working for one of the dealerships, manufacturers, etc. that can support such salaries. But once they earn that salary they then spend it outside of a Black community. Because there isn’t as much entrepreneurship training and therefore manifestation in our community, we lack within a concentrated area and of quality what a $100k looks to buy:
- car (Ford, Mercedes, BMW)
- clothing (Emporio Armani, Hugo Boss)
- food (Whole Foods)
- electronics (Apple)
- furniture (Ikea, Jennifer Convertibles)
- housing (apartment to rent not owned by a Black owner)
- precious jewelry (Zales, etc)
- investing in insurance, stocks, buying real estate (AllState, ETrade, Trulia, Coldwell, Corcoran)
Now yes, we possess all of these businesses but scattered around America, not in concentrated, transferable models where our $100k employee can get all of his needs and wants met and spend exclusively with Black businesses so that his money recirculates into the business owning hands and therefore households of other Black people.
Because his money doesn’t stay within Black owned business, at all, if any, Black businesses don't thrive and replicate, because they don’t thrive and replicate, there aren’t more for the next Black employee, Judy, who gets $100k a year to buy from and so on. Brain and Money Drain.
Our money is often pegged for things that look Black but aren’t.
(Okay, okay, okay, I finally saw it on Netflix…at least it was within a year, right?)
A 90% Black cast set in Africa—-okay, it was filmed a lot in Georgia—-some at Tyler Perry’s studios so it must be a boon to Black people., Black people went in droves, the estimates are that of the near $2 billion dollar take, $500 million of that was from Black Americans who went….multiple times. At an average of $10 a pop.
Marvel Studios isn’t Black owned, nor is it a major underwriter of Black owned businesses within the non-existent Black business community. (There are all kinds of Black businesses but they’re spread out.)
Disney is the parent organization/owner of Marvel Studios. Again not a big underwriter of Black interests towards wealth building.
Marvel Studios/Disney will have Black Panther books, videos, comics, toys and future films ad infinitum—-this is a good 10 year project where the insertion of Black Panther will bring in Black audiences—-at $10 a pop.
To theaters that are not Black owned. Increasing the stock value of Disney—-it’s dipped and dived but it’s maintained at over $100 a share since the movie came out.
Netflix is not Black owned. It’s at $256 a share.
Now, here’s where that Black dark, dark secret comes in. A micro percentage of Black people, probably most of the cast and director of BP, own Disney and Netflix stock—-because they’ve had practice in managing larger and larger sums of money so they get paid in cash, stock options, back end points, etc..
Most Black people went, and voluntarily gave $10, $20, $100 to BP but that money won’t recirculate back into their neighborhoods, schools, stores because Black people as a bloc don’t produce or control manufacturing nor as a mass regularly buy stock/invest. Now some Chinese families got fed because they made the dolls and toys and such in factories (not a lot but more than Black people did on the return profit.)
Also if you trace the dollars purchasing tickets supports a White owned theater, concessions are from White owned companies, film/digital materials and equipment White engineers, the majority of the technical people working on the movie, White and then they take the monies that makes it’s way to them through ticket purchases, cable and streaming rights and they pay for mortgages, children’s education, car payments and those mortgage companies are White owned and the supermarkets they buy food in and so on.
Now, yes, logically if you trace this a multitude of companies from a multitude of White, Asian, European descent ethnicities profit from such an enterprise. The counterpoint is that Black companies, people, communities don’t profit to as great a percentage as White, and perhaps Asian and “others”, do from a Black “product” or a Black aimed product. So Black people put in $500 million to something that perhaps if we were to pool Black cast/crew salaries (And Tyler Perry’s Studio fees) is maybe $10–20 million directly to Blacks and those Black people, the cast/crew, will then take their money and put it…back into a White system, an Asian system, perhaps even an African system abroad, but not a Black American one.
The simple point of the vicious cycle is that we, Black people, invest in things that garner no returns because they don’t invest back into us as Black people.
The current measurement is that Jewish, White, Asian dollars circulate 6 to 14 times, meaning that of every dollar spent, $6 to $14 dollars stays within those ethnic communities to enhance that ethnic group. Black dollars don’t even circulate once, which is where the Money Drain is most apparent. We’re still in a form of slavery because though we labor and have money, we don’t control where our money goes because we haven’t built up the network/systems to “catch” Black dollars. We haven’t built this network/system as effectively because only a small percentage of the total Black American population is “working” on developing that system.
Because there's a (Black) mass hating of reading/education and math, particularly within our under 18 population, Black people don’t know how to own stock in things they might enjoy so that the money recirculates back to them individually and collectively.
Beginning Steps of Re-Circulation
- When I worked at WalMart, I bought WalMart stock for 6 months that I was there.
- I buy Pepsi stock, because I drink Pepsi.
- I bought stock in Infrogrames a company that created teh Matrix video games because I had an ear out for investing AND I had cash on hand. I enjoyed the Matrix and I enjoyed the money I made from it’s convoluted stock sale.
- When I worked fro Williams Communications as a consultant, my boss a VP and others (mostly Black) mocked and more than gently ridiculed me because only employees were allowed to buy stock and would get a $50 bill when the stock hit $50. I was just slowly learning how to invest but I tentatively raised my hand and suggested to the 100–200 of them that something felt fishy. There was a reason why the company was making this cash pressure deal. All the brown people went to their pension plans and switched the stock from diversified to exclusively Williams stock. I watched. They got their $50 bills a few months later and they cheered and hooped and hollered like it was Juneteenth. About a month later, the price plummeted, taking all of their 401ks/pensions with it.
I was right…a coworker’s boyfriend owned a brokerage firm and we talked on the phone and he explained what I was trying to explain in my hunch. The company purposefully “bribed” it’s own employees to inflate it’s price as it was selling itself to another company to get a bigger payout. The higher “value” wasn’t true value and like a souffle, it dropped as soon as the sale was complete. I’d been reading books, taking classes, and thought I was seeing something but i was young so I wasn’t sure. It was a scam. Financial education at work. Oh, and they then laid off 200 people in that office alone after the deflating happened—-essentially took the employees money to pump themselves up then sold, leaving them with no pensions—-some of them had 10, 20 years saved up.

To my own extent I have made some of my dollars recirculate back to me. I made the dollar, I then invest it into something that I own/control. To sell it that dollar would come back to me to hopefully be reinvested back into something I own control (my business). But there isn’t always a cohesive community for the business services I utilize for profit.
- For instance—-Facebook. I can reach in my marketing up to 18 million specific people around the world for my videos and products. I use Constant Contact to send out emails to a mailing list of close to 10,000 people a variety of things—-cards, coupons, emails, flyers, digital newsletters.
- I use Adobe Premiere to edit my TV show and Word/MS Office for production work. PayPal for payments, several banks for payments, etc..
- Those things of technology are not replicable in Black owned businesses as of yet so my business dollars go out from me, a Black person-business to other businesses because that’s how the current world works.
- Due to the lack of financial-business-network-infrastructure Black businesses are stymied in some areas that we do business and have no choice but to go with the White or Asian entrepreneur—-culturally enriching their business and lives with our dollar.
(There’s a big thought in here about also the psychology of the kinds of businesses Black people are able to create, own and operate because of the self imposed limitations around education and technology. So we make one step forward…then stop, hence why we may not have created things like Facebook initially. Lack of Practice in out of the box thinking and Financial Education plus Financial Ability to fund such radical start ups in tech spaces. Black entrepreneurial people focus on food, cosmetics, fashion, entertainment, sports and less on manufacturing and technology and science based entrepreneurship.)
Why Immigrants Tend to Succeed Better Financially In an Extremely Shorter Amount of Time
Now calculate in all of the above reasons why Blacks as a large group have financial issues in America
then throw in that immigrants don’t come here with certain psychological impediments.
- Willingness to Work…an 80 Hour Week.They generally expect to work and that opportunity is here and more importantly seek to conform to the ideology, education and customs of America particularly around entrepreneurship, if that’s their bent. So they study business and math. And they out work not only Blacks but Americans…because they’re finally being paid in tangible money.
- Self Control. They have generally come from less so this is a whole lot more but they don’t go gluttony crazy…..and get the Mercedes because they practice group economics instead of individual validation and showing off to try and impress or compete with White people directly or in their head. When was the last time you saw a Korean at a payday loan place to pay his $600 car note on a tricked out BMW so that he could look fly in front of White people or other Koreans? Just the image unhinges you.
- Not Today, But Tomorrow. Having made a big change, they’re expecting both hardship and to delay gratification. I used to live in Flushing, Queens, which has a large Asian population. I would come home in a car service, ironically from Williams, and phone ahead to the Chinese restaurant from the highway for dinner. As I would pick it up I would talk to the teenage son and daughter who complained bitterly about their parents making them work a shift directly after school. They would then admit that they were grateful because they were lined up and paid for to go to Stanford and him to MIT, to be a doctor and IT guy. And if you look closely at the story—-my Black earned dollar was going to them. a direct entrepreneurial enterprise, to send their children to college and they would bring that Brain and financial wealth ability back to their family/community.
- Political Assault and Brainwashing. Immigrants don’t re-assault themselves in the same way with their victim story. Black Panther is essentially a layered tale and one of the layers is that Africans did not come to rescue the kidnapped/purloined slaves. They then stayed in Africa, which is rich in resources, culture and health and vigor.
- One, make sure you remind Black folk in comic book movies about historical slavery. It sounds broad and petty but we do it CONSTANTLY. But in the doing we essentially leave it at—-you were/are a slave—-that programming acts as limiters in some, not all, but a large percentage of Black people. Yes, immigrants come from horrible circumstances—-wars, strife, political unrest—-but they “get on with it” in an integrated way that uses that as strength not as re-wounding. That’s not something Black people know how to do. By not knowing how to do that en masse we re-wound our self esteem and as we decry White people we also maintain a Slave Ethic of following them, agreeing with them, supporting them when there are no clear rewards or partnerships (yeah, Republican and Democratic parties, I’m talking about you).
- Immigrants create political and community blocs that they use to self govern, self protect and challenge any concepts or threats of inferiority. Don’t believe me? A cop shoots Muslim men driving cars in Michigan, around Dearborn. Watch natural hell break out because the Muslim community possesses the money, education, knowledge, group collective, therefore power to run a new one through the police if they feel there’s bias. The Black community protests down the street. The cops watch. The unhinged cops still open fire because there’s no price to it because our money/power is focused on making sure Disney has a fantastic year and there’s a Black Panther sequel….which “every” Black person will run to.
- No Intellectual Limits. Because there isn’t an educational limit or stop point, Immigrants tend to look at the sectors where money is made the most or fastest—-finance, real estate, technology, health care and focus there without always a regard to whether they “like” the business. Culturally the point is success not loving making medical equipment.
- The Money Stays in The Ethnic Community
In sum, we’re all not going to make it. I’ve learned this as a Black person, related to Black people who has made effort to help Black people. By my estimates—-20%—-I think the Talented Tenth, is in actuality the Talented Twenty. The high 10% will be able to uplift, educate and change the minds of an additional 10%.
Here’s what it’s like in Black people snapshots around me:
- One coworker, 66 female, Black, is now starting her retirement savings. She’s about $5000 in credit card debt and wants a house and car when she retires to Florida in 4 years. She makes about $36k a year
- Another Black coworker is 61 and pays $250 a month to have a cable box in his living room and one in his bedroom. He routinely saves $1000 a year in a Christmas club for presents for his grandchildren. he didn’t pay child support, at all so his pay has been garnisheed for 20+ years. He has never gotten a tax return for 30 years from the child support and because I think the tax guy just makes him sign and keeps the cash. But he doesn’t want to challenge his tax guy—-”a Jamaican who lives around the corner”.
- A former coworker, 62, no retirement savings explained that his brand new 2017 SUV had a $27,000 debt on it PLUS $14,000 from a rollover from the old car lease. He and his wife only drove the car for groceries on Saturday and to church on Sundays—-5 days a week they waved bye to it in the driveway and both came to the same building to make less than $50k each ….to pay for the shiny new SUV sitting happily at home, used about 20% of the time.
- Another guy, 27, got his BA and Masters and quit a $36k a year job for a $46k, as I explained that he would jump a tax bracket so the raise would be eaten up by taxes, he scoffed at me—-then had to come back to get PT on the $36k one to pay for the $600 a month car lease which was the 2nd one, full rollover—-$36k in debt for the car alone. Pretty, a shiny blue. He’d traded his GI Bill no student loan for a car lease loan. Get this: he finds a great job in California, I congratulate him and mention that it will be a wonderful cross country drive, he should make a true trip of it, a couple of weeks. He explains the leasing company won’t allow him, to drive the car—-he’s paying $36k for across country-—he has to hire a flatbed truck to drive the car to California, because the company is protecting it’s investment——for resale —-after he pays his $36k lease (toll) and has to turn it back in. Turn it back in, after paying for it and he can’t even drive it where he wants to. (Car leasing loan underwriting and financing, I’m thinking is the investment move.)
- Every Black or Latino male student that I’ve mentored, put in extra energy and time to, literally to a heterosexual man, has gone out and had a child. They’re under 30, 1 got into college. Several haven’t even completed their GEDs. What this means is that they’re living in poverty and their children will too. And they will role model to their children NOT to educate, to hate math, to avoid school. Now like all parents they’ll tell them, push them to go to school because it’s the LAW, not to make them better. Two generations, a wrap.
Everyone would of course talk about hope and maybe and how can I say this and I’ll give you another example.
- My cousin Pam was bleeding profusely for well over a year. Not a normal menstrual discharge. But because my eldest aunt had just died, Pam didn’t want to “trouble” the family with her own illness, woes. Finally she goes to a doctor at Columbia Presbyterian. He tells her that she has Stage 4 Cancer of the stomach, uterus, brain, lungs—-Cancer of the Everything, I called it. He tells her they can do chemo but it’s basically to give her something to do. He gives her 16 months to live. This was January. She dies in March of the following year. Why? Because he’s a doctor who has over 20 years of experience with cancer, patients, life, death, medicine, etc..
I’m a teacher with over 20 years of experience with people, learning, psychology, seeing people change and not, learning, cognitive abilities, metacognition, etc.. One day people will listen to teachers just like they listen to doctors, we can tell when the things that don’t work are being done by people, how it will hamper and derail their lives, their families, their children. For multiple generations.
Poverty, when studied, in cultures, communities, leaves footprints. I can see it in my family, in my students and in Black and Latino people. I’m not pleased with my insights or forecasts, I don’t want to be right. I’m sure my cousin’s doctor didn’t “like” being right. But he was so on time I wondered if he did Lotto numbers.
I can see the wealth gap occurring in my own family and frankly, most are not interested in changing, listening, learning, saving, learning to invest, patience.
- One relative got a Mercedes so my stepfather and mother ran out and got one—-which they couldn’t afford——because they’d toasted that $2 million.
- I have another cousin who drives a SUV the size of Thursday who is living paycheck to paycheck in a rented house after years of child support.
- My aunt hoarded clothes and shoes from Macy’s, even draining insurance policies to buy clothes to have that she never wore—-rotating them from her closet for food money. She literally died shopping, dragging home a plant caused an aneurysm, her leg was amputated, she had a massive heart attack and died—-there was no insurance money to pay for her final expenses because she’d borrowed against it to shop.
All of these examples are Black and Latino people and the lack of Practice with Money and Financial Education.
This and the next generation of Black folk will have to draw the line in the sand…for the 20% that can cross.
I learned a lot from The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires.
This is a great piece, but it’s a very long read. I suspect you’re not getting the views you should because it’s too long for many people to finish - might be worth reviewing it and seeing what you can trim.
This is one of the best posts I have ever read. Not just on Quora, but anywhere.
This post is awesome, distilled into the purest essence of amazing, and put in a golden bottle of epicness.
I am sitting here just completely mind blown.
Came across this and probably works for the rest of us non elite also. Black land loss in the United States - Wikipedia
Awfully long but super interesting. I had been aware that black families lagged far behind whites in wealth. I assumed it was because they had less money to pass down to the next generation. Turns out it’s way more complicated than that.
How did your mom spend the money from the lawsuit?
I hope you have a blog going somewhere. Lots of ideas and viewpoints that need to be communicated to others.
Long reflection, but very realistic. I see blacks having one asset that could be better used which is the Black Church. Instead of using it only on Sundays for singing and listening sermons with little inspiration, why not make that place useful 7 days a week, open to all members of the community regardless of religion.
For example, use the building as an educational daycare, community center, library, counselling, job bank, training, etc.
For vulnerable communities, it is better than the fast food joint as a gathering place. The building already exists, so that is one step already done. Being part of club or community will bring a sense of belonging that mostly gangs provide.
Also, that could be even a place for small entrepreneurs and creative minds to show their arts and crafts. I believe that desegregation was done in a non planned way, since it eliminated the Black Elites environment (like the end of Harlem Renaissance).
About the Asian model, it is almost impossible to repeat it, because being a nerd in school will mean being bullied and harassed, unless there is a system of separate classes for advanced students
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