Sunday, May 7, 2023

Are gay men aware of their anatomy in relationship to sex? by #Kyle Phoenix


Generally not, in workshops I generally hand out a sheet that has all of the below outlined with pictures and arrows and such then I can get to teaching about pleasure, multiple orgasms, etc.. I personally believe that the ignorance about the male body, even for those who regularly engage in contact with other males leads to high STD rates (and bad sex.)

Women/girls generally get a better education about the body due to menstrual cycles and pregnancy but in science classes when I pass around female anatomy sheets and a board with condoms and dental dams stapled to them there’s often questions and responses of not having been aware of how their bodies work.

Prostate gland

The prostate sits on top of the bladder and secretes a milky fluid that is part of the ejaculate.

Seminal Vesicles

A pair of tiny glands that lie above the prostate which produce about 70% of the seminal fluid, with the remainder produced by the prostate; seminal fluid combines with sperm.

The Epidermis

The outer, protective, non-vascular layer of the skin of vertebrates, covering the dermis

The Penis- a multipurpose organ responsible for sexual pleasure, reproduction, and the passage of both urine and semen the end of the penis is called the glans which contains the urethral opening that allows urine and semen to pass from the body in uncircumcised males the glans is covered by an additional layer of skin called the foreskin; main part called shaft; the raised ridge that separates the shaft from the glans is called the corona.

Glans Head / Penis -the most sensitive area of the penis. Although a great place to stimulate, it can be very sensitive, so you may want to start slow with it until you know what he likes.

The Testicles (or testes)

Are referred to as gonads and are reproductive glands; produce sperm and make sex hormones, mainly testosterone.

The Butt

The buttocks are two rounded portions of the anatomy, located on the posterior of the pelvic region of apes and humans, and many other bipeds or quadrupeds, and comprise a layer of fat superimposed on the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles

The Anus

The opening at the end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste matter leaves the body.

The Perineum

There is some variability in how the boundaries are defined, but the term generally includes the genitals and anus.

The Scrotum

A loose pouch of skin covered with pubic hair that contains the testicles.



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