Thursday, January 31, 2013

Stuart Wilde With Veronica Hay On Money, Energy and Empowerment

Stuart Wilde: An Exclusive Interview with Veronica Hay On Money, Energy and Empowerment

Stuart Wilde is an internationally acclaimed author, lecturer and entrepreneur and one of the most interesting people you will ever meet. Wilde's wonderful brand of wit and wisdom is not for the faint-at-heart! He is humorous, controversial, poignant and transformational.

Stuart Wilde is the author of several bestselling books. His latest, Whispering Winds of Change is already in its third printing. His other titles include: Miracles, The Force, The Quickening, Affirmations, The Secrets of Life, and The Trick To Money Is Having Some! His little book, Life Was Never Meant to be a Struggle, is still extremely popular years after its initial printing.

Born in Farnham, England, Wilde is the son of a British diplomat. He learned to travel and become comfortable with many different cultures at an early age and has since traveled the globe the equivalent of sixty times.

Stuart Wilde sees his role in life as being that of an educator, one who teaches others ways they can reclaim their personal power without being drowned by the "system".


Veronica: I've learned a lot from the insights you have shared in your books and tapes over the years. I especially enjoyed your book, The Trick To Money Is Having Some. With one of the subjects of your lecture tour being money and spirituality, would you talk a bit about the two and how they relate?

Stuart Wilde: Well, I can't disconnect money from spirituality. I know in the old traditions having money was not considered spiritual. However, I see the quest here on the earth plane as a sacred thing and one of the things that we come to do, is to buy experiences, in order to become fuller and richer people. So, it stands to reason that you need a certain amount of money in order to buy these experiences. They are part of your evolution. I think it's important also because money is so much a part of this fifth dimension that we live in. I don't think you necessarily have to become rich, but I think you have to dominate money and be in control of it and be disciplined so that you are inside what money you have, rather than outside it, and beyond it, and get yourself into debt and in trouble and things like that. So, I teach people to raise their energy, believe in themselves, charge people for what they do, be original, be creative, find something to sell and in that way generate finances to energize and empower their quest.

Veronica: You state that "money isn't real, it's just energy and when you can open your heart to the energy, the money finds you." Can you explain that?

Stuart Wilde: Most people spend all their time getting in their own way. We all have days when things suddenly go brilliantly because suddenly we sort of step away from ourselves. But the human personality and the ego which dwells within it has a way of limiting one through fear, through let's say, fear of criticism.

For example, there are millions of painters who can't really paint, because if they paint, then people will criticize them and so they can't do the paintings that they ought to do and they won't do the ones that will sell and they have a perpetual excuse for not presenting themselves in the market place. Then, they bitch that nobody will acknowledge their creativity. As you feel more secure with yourself, you can present your creativity to the world, look them in the eye, and say "this is me" and make the necessary adjustments so that you can sell whatever that thing is that you are selling. And that is all part of this maturing of the individual. It is part of the evolutionary process. I don't have a lot of time with authors and painters who can't paint because of this or can't write because of that. In the end, you've got to write. You have to be evaluated and you have to make the adjustments if you want to sell what you write. On the other hand, if you just paint as an amateur thing for example, and it is just your pleasure to sit in a field and paint loving landscapes, that's fine, if you don't have to sell them. But there is a point where the whole lesson of this earth plane is to be mature enough to conceive a thought and to take it from that nebulous, cerebral activity into action, complete it, and sell it to somebody.

Veronica: Of course, you will probably still get a certain amount of criticism or rejection but you just keep doing it, right?

Stuart Wilde: Yes, in my profession, I am a bit of a spiritual anarchist. I am very sort of, in your face. I'm not for the institutions. I'm pro the individual. I don't care much for bull shit. So, I have had copious amounts of discrimination and criticism, but that is irrelevant. If you can get your stuff out there and people will buy it, then you're fine. Yes, people are going to bitch and moan because they're uncomfortable, and they're insecure, and they're frightened and they're timid. And they're going to say it's your fault and they're going to find things wrong, but in the end, if you believe in yourself, if you believe in the great spirit, the immortality within you, then you are just going to plow ahead. You're going to have to make adjustments for the market place, because it's pointless manufacturing things that people won't buy or painting paintings that nobody wants, especially if you're trying to do it commercially. But, in the end, you're going to do what you do, and you will win affection and acclaim.

Veronica: There is a spiritual godliness that drifts naturally through the affairs of man, but it is visible only if actions are undertaken and performed with that godliness in mind. Would you talk about this more?

Stuart Wilde: We are looking at the world of the ego out there. Our societies are absolutely polluted by television and the media. And they are polluted by importance and glamour. And they are polluted by this need of everybody to be special, regardless of whether they are putting out any energy or not. Everyone has an enormous amount of demands and very little need to actually generate any energy to fulfill those demands. So, you look at all of that stuff and of course it's absolute nonsense. However, if you will turn back within yourself, to what is real and what is true and what is loving, if you will get off self indulgence, self importance, whining and moaning, and return back to the real spiritual self where the feminine energy of the god force exists, then that power is more powerful than anything else in the world. People are drawn to it. People will be drawn to your kindness, to your mothering qualities, to your creative abilities, to your strength. If you return to the sacred way, and you make that sacred pledge about your life, then gradually the money you make will be and can be used to assist other people to do the same. The whole point of money is to buy experiences and help your sisters and your brothers. That's the function of it. Other than that, it just becomes a power trip and an ego thing. It's just all part of this enormously ugly, sort of materialistic, hedonistic search for security that drives the ego forward thinking that perhaps money might be the way, and of course it isn't.

Veronica: You mean by putting love and energy and coming from your heart in whatever product or service you do, people will pick up on that?

Stuart Wilde: Definitely! You will imbue your product with that godliness. I think most people are very mediocre and very inefficient and very self indulgent. If you want to be successful, you mustn't be self indulgent. You've got to be able to subjugate the ego to serve people. You've got to be up there for it. You've got to deliver it on time and it's got to be boxed correctly and it's got to be quick and handy and useful. But if you're prepared to go a little faster than the average person, if you're prepared to be a little bit better than mediocre, and if you're prepared to put love and energy into what you're doing, then you can't fail, because what you are selling people is energy. And there is no price on energy. The beautiful thing about energy is, that it allows people to feel secure. One of the reasons why the ego is so sick is because it is in a dimension of ever decreasing energy. We are moving towards entropy to the point where we're reaching what the second law of thermo dynamics calls a heat death. There just isn't enough energy to sustain the ego's vision. So, people will be drawn to where there is life force, to where there is energy, to where there is laughter, creativity, originality. Our economic history is replete with examples of people who have done well when they were creative and created energy.

For example, people who open restaurants that are unusual and different and very friendly and right on top of it and with interesting menus. They do so much better than the people that have the same old menu, the hackneyed old thing, you know, the ribs and the this and that, or the plastic menu where everything is so standardized, conformist, homogenized. The creativity disappeared years ago. There is room for improvement. There is room for originality. I think that part of the creative process is to sort of invent that originality. I don't think you have to be enormously different because if you are, people won't understand it, but there are all sorts of ways of bringing in enthusiasm and love and originality into what you do that will make it slightly different and interesting.

Veronica: How can people open up to the power within that you talk about so much in your books?

Stuart Wilde: Some people are run by the legislation of the ego and the personality rather than run by the softness and the feeling and the sacredness of their inner feeling. If you want to empower your life, the first thing you've got to do is discipline yourself and discipline your mind.  My system, or the system that I was taught, which I recommended to people is: rising early, taking time to meditate, time in silence, a very simple diet, a lot of prayer, a lot of sacred tradition, sacred ceremony, and really processing and feeling your way along. Returning from the hedonistic, totally self indulgent world of the ego to a world of minimalism, simplicity, caring and a world where those inner perceptions begin to open up. Because naturally, as you return to spirit, then you return to the interconnectedness in all things and through that interconnectedness in all things you can develop enormous amounts of perception and esp and empower your life through simplicity. You basically can see around corners.

Veronica: What do you do every day? What is your personal spiritual practice?

Stuart Wilde: I always rise early. I usually rise somewhere between 4:30 and 6:00. Sometimes I don't, but generally speaking, I do, and I meditate and I walk. And then I spend most of the day, if I can, except of course when I'm working, I try to spend time on my own, time in silence. I walk down the street and I watch people. I watch their etheric and I learn about energy. I feel out my life and the people in it. I watch for any sudden shift of energy and generally sort of sit there, a bit like a lighthouse keeper, watching the boats go by and trying to stay in touch with things going on at a distance without necessarily having to phone them or fax them, but by just watching them.

Veronica: Throughout your books, I kept getting that it is about one's own personal empowerment, raising one's energy level to a place where life becomes easier, less of a struggle. I understand and agree with that, but how does this relate to the concept of grace, or the power of prayer, you know, when you've done it all and you don't have much strength left, and you let go, and then a miracle happens. How does that work?

Stuart Wilde: At that point where you quit, it's the point where the ego or the personality has taken such an enormous hit in the struggle that it finally sits down in a puddle of mud and sort of says "I've had enough." At that point, the miracle appears. It's in the very chasing after of things that you push them away. So the ego will yearn and force and push and be desperate and demand and be this brat. Of course, as you lean and push and demand and strive and yearn for things, you actually shove them away from you. The minute you pull back and sit down and enter silence, the things start to come back toward you. I think sometimes in that example, that you just cited, it's that moment of where we reach zero resistance and suddenly those things that we desire, pop up in front of us, effortlessly, and it's very beautiful, isn't it?

Veronica: Yes, it is. You also talk about detachment and non-judgement. How does that work, really? Do we just walk around and observe without having any opinions? What if we come across something that does really bother us, do we deny how we really feel?

Stuart Wilde: There's a middle ground. Basically, if you raise your energy, you're going to take yourself out of the evolution of the people, because you're going to move beyond their thoughts, their ideas, their feelings. So, you're going to transcend out of the physical plane without actually necessarily dying. By detachment and by disciplining yourself, you can have the most enormous care and love and good desire for the people without being intimately involved. Then, if you can detach from your own stuff, because, you're not your personality, you're not your mind, you're an infinite energy inside a body, behind the mind, that's nothing to do with your personality. So, if you buy your own emotions, if you buy your stuff as being real, then you become a victim of this theatrical display. Emotions for the most part are just opinions of the ego presented in a theatrical scale for other people to observe. So you jump up and down and wave your arms about and say "I'm terribly angry" and everybody is supposed to sit up and take notice. But, in fact, that's only an opinion, it's nothing else. Then, as you become an observer of life and as you become an observer of yourself, which isn't a sort of callous don't care attitude, it's just a gradual, sweet retreat from the evolution, in realizing that you are projecting yourself and working yourself beyond the evolution of these people. Then, if there is something that you feel very strongly about, you have to decide whether or not you want to dive back into the great mud puddle of life or not. It's up to you.

Veronica: Would you talk about the 1000 day climb that you refer to in your books?

Stuart Wilde: As we are programmed through what I call tick-tock in my books, the sort of very hum-drum 9-5 existence, the institutional education of our children, and so on, and as we buy this ego's world, as you start to make that turn, it's just my perception that it takes about three years to make that turn complete. So, I call that the thousand day climb. And obviously, while you're going through that turn, it's almost like a big ship and you're turning back and sort of rocking or bouncing over your own wash, the waves that the ship created as it was going along. It's a turbulent time and you can't really see very far in the future because you might have been in that tick-tock programming for twenty, thirty or forty years. So, three years to make a complete transition to where you're just going to look at your life differently and embrace spirit, is not a very long time. What I say to people is, that while they are in that climb, don't try too hard to become something new too quickly, because if you do, more times than not, you will fail. More times than not, anything you start will fall apart. It's best to just realize that the climb is a dedication and stay focused on cleaning up your act, resolving issues, processing your feelings and generally just raising your energy. And then after the three years is over, usually one reaches a sort of plateau, where one can consolidate and sort of think, "well now I'll head out, and I'll do this, or I'll do that, or I'll help humanity in this way, or I'll serve in that way, or whatever."

Veronica: Everything is energy. In short, what can we do to raise our energy level?

Stuart Wilde: It's a matter of discipline and a matter of perception and perception only comes if you can control the personality. A lot of my courses deal with developing the trance state. If you're not prepared to go that far, then just by discipline, simplicity, conserving your power, nurturing yourself and all the usual things of that kind of mode will bring your energy up. The thing you do have to control is fear, because without controlling fear, you will always depreciate your energy. For example, you'll be very excited about something and suddenly a lot of insecurity and fear will come your way and you'll depreciate a whole chunk of your stock so to speak.

Veronica: And be careful who and what you surround yourself with?

Stuart Wilde: Yes, definitely. I think the more you raise your energy, the less and less people you'll find around you, or the people that you have around you, will be more at arm's length. I think that regarding the influence of other people, there is something very polluting sometimes by some of the associations that we make and often we know that we ought to be going beyond them. Dysfunctional relationships, dysfunctional jobs, dysfunctional circumstances can be very energy draining and bring one down. I think also a part of the spiritual quest is this point of making the right choices and cleaning up your act as much as possible.

Veronica: My favorite quotation of yours is, life was never meant to be a struggle, just a gentle progression from one point to another, much like walking through a valley on a sunny day. Why do you think so many of us make it such a struggle? Do you think people have responsibility tied into struggle?

Stuart Wilde: Well, not necessarily. First of all, we teach people that it is honourable to struggle. A lot of the religions said to people, "look, you're very poor, you're struggling, but don't worry, you've been chosen". So, struggle is just endemic to our people. Obviously, if you're trying to materialize a certain vision, an ego vision, and you don't have the energy to pull it off, you're going to struggle. If you consume more than you have the money for, you're going to struggle. Most struggle is economic, some of it, of course, is emotional. The most simple places where most of the struggle takes place is people living and demanding a life style that they can't sustain. And that's just an opinion of the ego. And, of course, negative energy in our dimension is only anything that contradicts the ego. For example, if you demand a lot of respect and somebody insults you, you've been contradicted and you might be upset. Or, if you demand a certain lifestyle and you don't get it, you might moan and be terribly upset and consider it a very negative experience. If you demand that your life is always cozy, safe and guaranteed and someday something comes along that isn't cozy, safe and guaranteed, then you will experience the ego being contradicted, and you will describe that as negative energy. You see, there is nothing wrong with demanding if you have the energy to pull it off, but one of the things that is endemic to our society is that people are so self indulgent, they are demanding without considering the fact that they might have to put a little energy out.

Or, they'll put wimpy amounts of energy out and expect enormous returns. So much of life nowadays is worshiping at the altar of this completely self indulgent ego that demands all sorts of things without ever having to lift a finger for it.

Veronica: What would you suggest to people who want to make their contribution to the world and want to do some spiritual service?

Stuart Wilde: Well, I think that is the destiny of everyone who is on the quest, in the end. And I think that everyone who is on the quest will sooner or later find a place to serve because we live inside a sort of evolutionary molecule which is the folk spirit or the tribal mind of all of our people and we are only as good as how much we can raise ourselves and others up.

Obviously, the best contribution you can make to the world is for you to become serene and self sufficient and composed and then teach that to others. I think as soon as one turns within and raises ones energy a little bit, where you go to serve is automatic. And some people will serve in a very big way, let's say, because they're politicians or whatever, but most people serve quietly, they're in a health food shop or at the yoga centre or they're helping teach kids or whatever it is. To serve is a great honour and privilege. And I think that is the destiny of everyone on the path.

Veronica: In your book, Whispering Winds of Change, you state that it would take a crisis to shrink the world ego to the point where the spirit can begin to win back control. Would you elaborate on that?

Stuart Wilde: Well, you can see that in a small way in each individual. Most people, especially males, in their twenties and early thirties, when the ego is rampant, and they are into making money and whatever, they usually have to have some kind of crisis, before they'll turn within. So, they need a car wreck, or a divorce, or a serious disease, or a bankruptcy, because the ego won't give over power until you actually dethrone it. There has to be some sort of revolution. And the revolution has to be, of course, an internal one, within your mind. However, it isn't often that the ego will actually sit down and voluntarily abdicate.

So, in a national sense, or in a global sense, the world ego, which is this institutional domination of our people by the patriarchal white rulers of our western democracies, won't give away control until such time as there is a crisis where they have to. A good example is in the countries behind the iron curtain, where they completely lost it and now are in a gradual state of change. It will come to America, and it will come to Britain and Europe as well. So, I think what you see in the individual level, you see in the national and political levels, and the global level as well.

Veronica: What advice do you have to give our readers given the current economic and political conditions?

Stuart Wilde: Well, you're looking at a society in collapse. It's sort of like the decline of the roman empire. You can either do nothing about it and sort of whistle, while the place burns down, or you can start to retreat. Of course, the retreat you make is an internal one. So, if you're prepared to retreat within and get disciplined and get inside your life, control your life economically, pay off your debts, resolve your relationships, then as society bounces out of control beyond you and outside of you, it isn't going to affect you. I think a lot of the people who will be very seriously affected are those that are prepared to do nothing and all of a sudden change will be imposed upon them.

Like pensioners in Russia, who now receive enough money to buy a pound and a half of potatoes. That's all their pension is worth. If you don't do anything now, when and if this whole thing starts to seriously unravel, change may be forced upon you, at a pace that isn't comfortable. So, the obvious thing to do is to start to come back within, to heighten your energy, generate more money, and start to place yourself in this sort of molecule or dimension of sacredness and of spirit.

There are also all of these doors that can open up, inner perceptions and the whole nature of those inner worlds. Metaphysically, we are still sort of neanderthal. We've gone a long way technologically, but metaphysically, people are pathetically silly. They haven't even started yet.

Veronica: What are you up to these days?

Stuart Wilde: Well, I've been writing books. I've been doing a lot of music. I had a CD come out this year which I wrote and produced with a Norwegian soprano called Cecilia, Voice of the Feminine Spirit. It has done enormously well. And then I was asked to contribute to a rock opera with an English flute player called Tim Wheater, which is called, Heartland. I wrote the libretto for that and it is coming our later in the year and is distributed by Geffen Records. I have signed with a record company to produce a kind of rock and roll record with a spiritual message and that's happening later this year as well.

Veronica: So, you're getting a lot more involved in music?

Stuart Wilde: Yes, a lot, and I am also working on a comedy TV show called Woofety Woof for the British market and I've got a lot of different media projects and audio projects and so on, but again, it's presenting spiritual, metaphysical ideas through song, which is less threatening than the written word.

Veronica: Thank you Stuart. We wish you well.

Veronica Hay is the author of "In a Dream, You Can Do Anything" - An extraordinary collection of writings that will uplift you, motivate you, inspire you, and gently guide you along the inner path of your life.

Thank you for reading,
Kyle Phoenix
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