Friday, January 4, 2013

Book Reviews: Unfair Advantage by Robert Kiyosaki

Book Description & Review
Publication Date:
April 12, 2011
Why do the rich get richer even in a financial crisis? In his new book the bestselling author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" confirms his message and challenges readers to change their context and act in a new way. In this timely new book, Robert Kiyosaki takes a new and hard-hitting look at the factors that impact people from all walks of life as they struggle to cope with change and challenges that impact their financial world. In "An Unfair Advantage: The Power of Financial Education", Robert underscores his messages and challenges readers to change their context and act in a new way. Readers are advised to stop blindly accepting that they are "disadvantaged" people with limited options and challenge the preconception that they will struggle financially all of their lives. Robert's fresh approach to his time-tested messages includes clear, actionable steps that any individual or family can take, starting with education. Education becomes applied knowledge, a powerful tactic with measurable results. In true "Rich Dad" style, readers will be challenged to understand two points of view, and experience how financial knowledge is their unfair advantage.

Personally I really appreciate Kiyosaki's work.  I have all of the RDPD books and their affiliated materials and use several in teaching projects I do.  I've learned an amount of financial intelligence that rivals all the official college level work I've done at universities. That being said I would like to suggest a way to engage his work---digest all of it.  Look at it as a year long course of study to give a breadth of understanding to the variety of financial instruments and context changers he has assembled.  

The thrust of his work is about changing your context, mainly.  This will teach you what a map is, what a map should contain, where to get map paper but it won't give you a direct route to whatever your persona definition of success and financial freedom are.  For instance I used the materials to innovate for myself into stock/securities investments and online stores.  Those two areas expanded into this very blog, the TV show, online videos, teaching, consulting, starting a school, etc. but the fundamental concept came from thinking about myself and my work differently.  By changing my mental context about business and my own capabilities and what skills to gain, I've been able to produce some pretty interesting projects that have brought me both money (enough to live off of) and a sense of joy.
There is an unfair advantage though that knowledge brings and Kiyosaki hits that full force.  When you learn all of this stuff  your mind, your intentions, your relationship to money will never be the same.  By the same token it also teaches you how to see beyond sound bites on TV or clips in newspapers and to delve more deeply though websites and books and yes, useful TV shows on finance.  That insight then becomes your ability to, if you choose,decide your financial future, take responsibility for it.  It can also bring about a level of depression because you suddenly realize that financial success/wealth is a mindset/a practice. The cliche pushes that it's about family or connections or superior intellect is the like the front of the magic trick on stage---the real mechanics behind the scenes inform the illusion but are generally mundane and disconnected from it.  All of those elements help but they aren't the "magic" and that's another unfair advantage that the financially successful have.  Paris Hilton has us convinced that she's a bubble-head because that's what sells---the glitz, the glamour, the vacuousness.  But most importantly, it sells.  That bubble-head gets upwards of 100k per party, just to show up.  She's also in control of several brands/product lines and averages $7 to 10 million a year without touching any of the Hilton family fortune/trust.  Her advantage is how she views money, which is so vastly different from how the middle class do.  

Kiyosaki's work of explaining the advantages in taxes, intelligence and usage of the knowledge is what this short but informative book outline.  Wherever you are on your path to financial control and freedom---whether that be novice or experienced business owner this will push you to your own next level because it will help you see yourself as both advantaged and disadvantaged from your knowledge or lack.  He's got about 30+ books going now, as I review each one individual, I recommend you just make a shelf in your library for him.

Thank you for reading,
Kyle Phoenix
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