Friday, April 14, 2023

What was the downfall of the musician Prince? Is there an "Illuminati" plot against famous black men? by #KylePhoenix


That whole emergency plane landing for emergency OD care a week before his death, contrived conspiracy too?

Are people who are Black ever just humans, foolish, flawed, mortal or has oppression made us mythic gods that a secret cabal seeks to destroy?

I loved Prince. Cried when he died, some days I just spontaneously sob for him, for the loss but like Whitney, Michael, others if you surround yourself with people who will only tell you yes and are mute on your self-destructiveness, you will implode.

People mock Oprah and Gayle and Stedman but that's what they do for her, act as reality soundboards, help her discern her bullshit from roses. Prince eschewed that. The majority of his staff were models, pretty and vacuous because business management, particularly music is so encompassing and enormous in scope. 39 albums plus hundreds of singles and remixes and videos, literally thousands of products to manage or at least keep an eye on. That alone is draining.

I've been managing several hundred of my own royalty-bearing products with thousands more in the pipeline and I have to consider lawyers, accountants, managers, investments, salespeople, the list goes on.

And I LIKE business.

I can't imagine the enormity, the overwhelming pressure if you didn't AND you still have to perform, produce, pay bills AND you want to support nonprofits as Prince was with his concert tours.

It's enough to make me want to have a drink when I realize oh that's right there were sales from affiliates in 2015 and I have to track it down.

Business management is not simple and its probably extremely unnatural to musicians, I’ll take it farther and say people of color get and have shitty financial education across the board so being thrust into millions of dollars and employee/band management must be taxing. It's not often said but Bill Cosby, Quincy Jones, and Maya Angelou, mentored Oprah about money, Cosby referring her to Jeffrey Jacobs who designed ownership hence her wealth and never writing "slave" on her face because in the first meeting they designed Harpo so she would transcend slave mentalities of taking the $250k she was originally offered a year, as Harpo, it became $30 million-plus each year for the first four years of the show. But as an owner it meant building, designing a company, taking on and paying back angel investors for the cost of building a production studio.

I say all of that to say Prince was one of the best musicians I believe of the past 200 years, I put him, Coltrane, Monk, Davis right up there with Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky. I've, written about him, taught him in classes and have a retrospective for a whole season of my TV show but business skills take time, trustworthy people, perhaps even a different mentality. I think his letting it all flounder was both a relief and a side effect of using drugs to treat career injuries. He got tired of it all.

His and his lawyers genius stroke move to slip out of the Warner Brothers contract by doing something that has never happened before, existing without a name, tying identity to name, was a masterstroke and unfortunately he gained all rights to his work months before he died....hence the Jay Z deal with Tidal that his sister Tyka fucked up by selling his catalog to Universal Music to try and rectify his financial messes, also why Paisley Park is a freaking museum now, with general and VIP tickets....because he was living check to check for performances assuming he'd be productive forever and that he would have time to fix the general messiness.

I have nearly not the same caliber of wealth but I have had to sit down and plan my own will/demise because I have created monetary bearing instruments that will create money for at least 125 years. My businesses are tied to three of the biggest Amazon, Google and Time Warner/Spectrum.

125 years.

Stop everything you're doing and start planning on that scale. Mind-boggling. Makes you want to go to sleep, take a pill. I have to consider family, friends, future spouses, children, charities. That's a lot.
Money, generating wealth and then managing it, especially if you don't have a formal objective education can be daunting. Poor money and wealth management. Overwhelm. Exhaustion. Hubris. Lack of reliable counsel. Injuries/pain. Excess indulgence.

Michael, Whitney, Luther, Jimi.
They all suffered from the above.
The conspiracy isn't some mystical cabal that thinks if they could just control a pop singer they could rule the Middle East, it's that not everyone has or allows support systems in a healthy way in their lives and that gets magnified, strengths and personal weaknesses, by fame and money.

Now, Bill Cosby, I believe its half setup, half set up accessible from his own fetish. So many, the army....literally an army of women that are accusing him are difficult to understand and measure for one overlooked point:

Anyone can accuse anyone of one behavior being of a different motivation when its beyond the statute of limitations.

I have cousins who sexually abused several in our family, because of SOL and varying jurisdictions I and others can't prosecute them. But by the same token, because they were engaged in sexual contact, they can't sue accusers for slander or libel. A dual blunted, double-edged sword of the justice system.
So in a broad, out there conspiracy possibilities you could accuse someone into BDSM of rape if you could get....a small army of his past sexual partners to say , 30 years ago it wasn't sex play BDSM it was forced confinement, assault and rape.....but the SOL is up....oh, darn.

But if I were framing someone and knew maybe one or two of his past BDSM partners felt he went too far within the SOL I might quietly drum up....a small army to accuse, support the accusations in the public court through media to shoot down maybe some deal I wanted that he was sniffing around.
Oh and I'd simply pay off relatives, let story fester then give "donations" to them in a thousand different ways. There are lots of ways to give money or the effects of money without directly giving someone cash.

I believe Camille Cosby, a learned, strong woman when she says she knew about his cat daddy ways, I suspect like mature adults they had an agreement between them...and perhaps one day we'll see her "army", but that he's innocent of forcibly, malicious....taking advantage, assault, rape. Massive splitting of hairs but unless she's killing babies on Halloween and he's got proof of it over her, it would take that level of distinction for her to stay. They after all as quiet as the Cosby fortune is kept, are billionaires.

What I've learned as I've grown financially and had to consider things is, people are nucking futs and you can construct your own positive or negative reality with ever-increasing amounts of wealth. And your fetishes are weaknesses if you don't manage them with an eye towards discretion and absolute, only you, the other person and the horse know, confidentiality.



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