Saturday, April 29, 2023

What's the smartest move so far you've done for your business? by Kyle Phoenix

I'd kept general records, spreadsheets of sales, I knew my analytics from social media, I tracked posts, produced a newsletter per Dan Kennedys advice then I picked up Gerber and then bought E-Myth Revisited. I started the process in 11/2016.

I had a broad strategic planning document that I was dropping info into, I also had notebooks evolving ideas, journal thoughts, weighing options.

Then I got serious. Its like night and day now that I've followed the process. I now have delineated divisions, titles and categories. I thought I was creating in a natural progressive line, like a train. But now I have an info graphic of Star Trek shuttles, runabouts, starships, space stations and planetary systems. It seems odd but I now able to label say my blog is a space station. Stationary but a connective link to other things, where one comes for more detail about lesser sizes.

An " /answer/post " is a shuttle; an article, special report, video, brief a runabout; a book a full starship.

Silly I know. But then I breakdown into planets around marketing, finance, sales, management, development, etc..

So I know today I'm just dealing with planet Marketing, it might overlap to other worlds but a binder is just about Marketing and all of its fleet/mini systems.

There are now designated binders, which will probably end up banker boxes by divisions. I know have a concrete employee plan and manual. I had to design a sales manual which epitomized my company policy, describing the validity of sales products, a selling process, a clear straight, commission compensation state for sales people, margin breakdowns for companies, consignment breakdowns for brick and mortar stores.

It has also freed me up to delineate what was a new product, an ancillary service, a new product line. One of my big challenges has been monetization of my tv shows beyond first run broadcast, essentially how does one sell into syndication. 2015 I thought Vessel was the answer, a pay service for creator owned content. Two problems: All of my numbers of viewers are in tv world, 500,000 a week, Vessel wanted page hits measurements. Apples vs grapes. Secondly Vessel was acquired by Verizon because it couldn't maintain its platform model. So now I've got millions in a back end library catalogue to shop around again in an attempt to recoup the outlay costs. Close to 400 episodes but there are tv copyright issues with half of them.

E-Myth taught me how to solve a problem uniquely by being able to see, two planets can share their resources and channels of distribution. When everything was crowded on one big clunky ship I didn't have the room and the resources it gives to infuse one with the strengths of the other.

I can also now see there are a multitude of places that I'm getting money from that with a Dan Kennedy marketing tweak I've turned into a waterfall from a spigot. Without separation, definition and reformation I would still be plodding along. Ironically I stopped a lot of new production to streamline and now my capacity to produce and network has massively increased.

I'm still in progress, a yearly marketing campaign starting but I now have clear visionary mappings until 2025 and its like there are Managers and Technicians building in space around the clock. The planetary system covers a vast amount of space but I'm networked throughout and I can see further expansion to other systems as we divert resources in micro proportions to intergalactic colonies of new product lines. In many ways I think small businesses resist the structure of McDonald's, the systems, without looking at the benefits of such directed systems.



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