Sunday, April 23, 2023

Why would not all homosexual men and women want to seek reparative therapy if for no other reason to live an easier life? by Kyle Phoenix

I think all humans articulate our self preservation sense also as not just a right to live but also to be good and validated by the tribe around us, even if that thing is oppositional.

LGBTQ people feel an intrinsic sense of value and worth as humans but also have enough similarities with others to ignore the decree of self as wrong. It is seen internally as wrong compared to ideologies but not nature which is why western civilization which worships Scientism, not God (yes, fundamentalists are right) is constantly gripped in trying to find a biological answer to being LGBTQ. Its trying to get its "godhead" to legitimize sexuality differences because western ontology is built on measurement and legal systems rather than humanistic experience.

The further question then becomes what would be a better life? Once you start muffin diving or pole playing, you still have to pay the cell phone bill. Yes, therapy is often helpful to manage and integrate life healthily but if you intrinsically feel you're right and valid, you would not think it could be fixed. While I think once the cat is out the bag, its a scratch and itch for life, I think you can opt for all the mass population social rights and privileges that are easier to access as a heterosexual.

That desire, which i think is valid and true, I'm thinking about people who are not classically attractive or disabled or have a large family inheritance at stake. There might be good competing reasons that suggest you should seek to alter what doesn't work for you. Will it work? Who knows? I'm still confused by that Chrisley guy on TLC because the constant joke is we're all thinking the same thing, right? But say he's being disingenuous about aspects of his core identity because he loves his wife and wants a different life----go for it. I draw the line at coercion or oppression but I know plenty of past SUNY schoolmates living in the closet using religion, family, therapy to repair what they see as error.

I think spiritually they are at a crux point. Your 0-4s are you new souls, often from tight knit communities, large families. 4 is when you venture to the Big City which is generally full of you popping 6-8s (9-10s generally migrate back to the country). But if you're a 4/5 you're torn between comfort and becoming the wild, the unknown, the reviled. Much of humanity demands conformity, sameness, it must be very upsetting to feel pulled from the inside in two different directions.

I think a lot of our social discords has to do with not expressly identifying these levels and the lives they suggest.

Ainslie MacLeod details out this all in The Instruction, grew book to see where one is at and understand others. The deep concern over sexuality is very lower level, in the hetero and the not hetero, it's one of the lesser human experience values. So when folk are waving flags, activism based on sexuality, keeping up on the scientific research, you got some 3-6s.

One spiritually outgrows a deep interest, now I'm wholesale committed to human rights, the right for you to disagree or go into such psychic crunching therapy. Knock yourself out, its literally your life to splash these paints onto.

People in this thread will go all willy milly on this----watch, and you'll be able to see younger spirits trying to assert selfhood, identity, power, controls.




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