Monday, March 13, 2023

What does it feel like to be highly intelligent? by #KylePhoenix


It depends on if its’ supported by those around you or if you use it. I move through lots of environments—-differing intellectual spaces but I spend a lot of time, traversing, on trains, etc.——so I feel it more acutely—-the shifting of the intelligences around me and the usage of mine. Also teaching means that I’m always sort of directly looking at, evaluating thinking—my own and others, most people might or narrowly do so for their own—-it’s called metacognition—-thinking about one’s thinking. Or even critical thinking—-thinking critically about matters in front of you. Most—-like 80% of people do neither. Honestly, most people sort of plod along from intent to desire to stimulus to response.

I’m not saying people are bad or dumb, I’m just saying that like weight lifting or jogging or volleyball—-most people can physically do it but don't, specifically choose not to—-when the aerobic exercise, the stimulus, the action itself, would alleviate health issues, lengthen life, strengthen them. Freedom, freedom to choice, also has an inverse effect of people choosing NOT to do things——like think.

Point 1: It Feels Like I’m Doing Something That Most People Don't Do Regularly

Yesterday, preparing for an educational presentation, I was thinking about my own thinking—-what I do, don’t do, differently. I was then thinking about someone I’d been listening to, communicating with from school and the issues she was having. I thought about from not just what she’d told me but from my objective assessment of her—-age, race, children, social class, educational level, work history—-I enter all of the date—-including behavioral psychology, movements, facial ticks, idioms, your unconscious tells, the way you think—-I enter it all into a folder—-that folder in my head—-with your label on it is connected to a Server in my head that runs an assessment of you—-what do you believe—why? What would you believe? What’s your tell, your gaps, your lies, your ego, your consciousness, your history, your faults, your strengths, your flaws, you level of self-awareness, you trauma, your pain, your parents, your culture your political beliefs—-I sieve everyone through these things—-adding tidbits as I might gather from you over time so that my folder people isn’t simply Them as they’ve presented—-it’s also like a Test Mirror—-where I’ve designed a facsimile of the totality of you and the more contact and information I get—-I’m filling in the mirror jigsaw puzzle of your psyche. Half the fun is being right about someone—-whether they know or not and predictive analysis of what they'll do, how they’ll act, what they want, what they really, really want.

I don’t want to be right or aim for it to get some sort of masturbatory jouissance—-I aim to be right to complete my composite of you. Which is why I can stand and welcome contradictions and readjustments to my composite.

Most intelligent people want to be right—-I want the composite to be complete,

Point 2: It Feels Like I’m Often Ahead or Advanced From Where Others Are “At”

In conversation I often slow down, leave roadmaps, crumbs, red flags, large billboards—-I catch myself doing like a footnote to my own discussions—-which is how I know the other person’s place.

It’s like a radar—-or sonar—-I’m pinging you with ideas and words and concepts—-I’ve learned as a highly intelligent person to ping one at a time, less pings at a time and slow down to receive and de-code the returning ping.

But I’m often consciously doing this. I also sort of lie to people—-I know what you meant. I understand.

(When I say I understand, I’m not being ego satisfying or people polite—-I know what you meant. Being highly intelligent, means I know I’m smart, I have known since I was about 7—-

(I was just telling a friend how——-small I find compliments to my intelligence——because I’ve gotten them for decades from children, parents, teachers, peers, coworkers, strangers, train conductors, vagrants, cashiers, sales associates, cops, criminals, hookers, strippers, students, even animals. Telling me doesn’t enhance you in my view, nor does it enhance me or my ego. Imagine this—-I tell you that you have hands (if you do. Wow, your hands have 5 fingers! Wow.” Would you think I was————exactly, it would sound flat banal, pedantic to you. That’s how compliments to highly intelligent people sound based upon their being intelligent. Now if you tell us, something we’re working on—-is novel, the approach good, unique—-THAT is a compliment. The quality of the vehicle’s travelling, not the fact that Mongo has spotted a car.)

—-so I’m in no way ego tied to not knowing. I’m completely comfortable NOT knowing and learning—-which is an exercise to reinforce becoming smarter/highly intelligent. I’m not threatened by ignorance, I’m enlivened and enhanced by it.)

I slow down for YOU. I slow down so I don’t tell you that I knew the answer…about 20 minutes ago but I let you tell the story because I might even enjoy your company.

Check this: a friend wanted to have a birthday arty at a nice restaurant. We checked out two places downtown and uptown locations. he decided on the uptown, a dozen of us went, I paid, a good time was had by all. He then said to me months later, we should go back to that place. I said sure, it was one of my favorite restaurants. Favorite? he asked.

Sure, I’d been there at least half a dozen times before his party that year. And maybe 20 times or more over the past 5 years since I was first taken there by a firm I worked for. I often took dates, family, friends, students there—-I loved it. He pointed out I’d never said anything.

Like what? I asked. The whole history and bibliography of my history with the restaurant, it was germane. Was it?

I don’t always fill in my whole history with something because I might be enjoying you, the event, the place, etc. with and for you. But yes, technically, it’s a way of being ahead but I’m so used to being ahead, having done or thought or know things that in our sonar exampling of pining—-being highly intelligent allows me to catch the ping in mid-air as you send it out——and decide whether to ping it back or even when to ping it back to you.

Point 3: It Can Feel Like Others Are Being Lazy

People don’t strike me as dumb….exactly. As a teacher—-I hate the context of dumb. I prefer not knowing or not thinking about it deeper or hard enough. So we take Dumb off of the table and we’re left with Absence of Knowledge and Lack of Effort.

If you have a cellphone and access to the internet—-I think you have access to nearly all of the world’s knowledge. (I often point out to people online—-who ask what a word means or who someone is—-that they’re on the internet. Look it up. When I’m reading, chatting, interacting—-I highlight what you wrote or said that I’m unfamiliar with—-get the info, return to the conversation—-informed. It never occurs to me to ask you something that I can spot look up. I think that’s intellectually lazy.)

Point 4: It Can Make Reality Seem Incredibly Simple and Overwhelming At The Same Time

To the point of the below office politics I can see the whole web and be manipulating, ready to manipulate and actively controlling several strands, which seems like a 1000lb weight of effort to you. But imagine this, I’ve been lifting 1lb weights for 40 years, since I was a child. Do you think a 1lb weight feels like anything to me? The very act of practicing with a 1lb weight, until it was common means I don’t feel the weight, at all.

Observing the entirety of the web, the strands, manipulating and such—-a 1lb weight to me.

Now, if you think all of this manipulation and thinking and plotting and planning is overwhelming—-that’s to you, to your intelligence type and level. (I tried to say that as non-snarkily as possible.)

Point 5: It’s Easier To Manipulate, Shockingly So—-People, Places, Things

“Point 6: You Learn to Share Only a Percentage of Your Thoughts, Ideas; Share Selectively

While I am honest with people because I’m independent, not servile, clear. I’m often lysing. I’m often lying in not the quality but the quantity of what i share of myself. You’ll flip through these blogs and articles and links to books and TV shows and think—-”Wow, that’s a lot.”

Not really. There’s things I think that I have yet to write about or codify. In discussion with people I have learned to give either political answers—-which if you disassembled them you’d find were really non-answers about what I think about Tom, Harry and Judy. Or I given sort of banal, circular, non-judgmental answers to suit the listener’s capacity not so much my complete opinion.

“No, I don’t care for what Judy did in the meeting.”

(That cum burping viperous virago cunt in cheap shoes is at her cutesy Lolita fuck me little girl games with the boss again.)<That’s what I really think of her. (And the boss too. lol)

“No, I don’t care for what Judy did in the meeting.”

Now, you might think oh, we all do that. But I’ve perfected my professional face——and I’m having lunch with Judy in 20 minutes. Being intelligent teaches you to think, yes, but being highly intelligence teaches you that everyone can’t handle your thoughts so edit, edit, edit, edit, edit. rarely does anyone directly connected to a person or a situation get a clear picture of my thoughts about anything because I’m also sort of holding up a web of connections—-seeing those—-and seeing future consequences, ramifications and potential profits off of plucking each strand too much or too little.

See, we all think that about Judy. But I’m looking at the strands of what if I said it—-what if Kyle said it to her. What if i said it to you? Now what do you think about my saying that? About her? Suspecting I might think other things about you? What happens if you tell her? Now, i have to fess up to it—-stab her with it, or clan up the knife stab. That thought, my own, perhaps even objectively true has reverberations to it—-that’s what high intelligence allows you (me) to do—-foresee the reverberations of….everything. My intelligence has gotten higher since I was a child because I keep exercising that muscle—-foreseeing reverberations along a single strand—-incorporating what I know of you, Judy, the boss, the company, the stock price of the company, when our boss’s boss visits, the FedEx guys crush on Judy, Judy’s husband, my parking space, the donut guy, Judy picking up my lunch (and potentially spotting in it now) and on and on.

Going back to Judy and the boss and his boss and how they see me, I choose and cultivate for them to see me—-yes, manipulation—-I need to control my commentary because I might need to gently are with you because I need your help/friendship/fealty in 3 months time for that thing you don’t know is coming up. So I need you to feel agreement with me so that it’s easier to get agreement form you in 3 months time BUT I can’t alienate you with too harsh of a comment and I can’t trash Judy because of her, you, the boss, the boss’s boss.

So I give a neutral comment with a dash of color but not deep animosity commitment. I deflect it to not Judy but how Judy did something in the meeting so even if this Who Shot John comes back to me, I have room to spin it.


It feels like you’re all, the majority of you (until I met other highly intelligent people—-I’ve known about a dozen so far) are all doing something purposefully, sluggishly, lazily. But with time and maturity, I’ve come to understand it’s difference and quality of thinking/questions, etc..

It’s the difference between someone whizzing on the highway, like in The Matrix, on a motorcycle, between cars and trucks at a high speed. Whizzing, whizzing, whizzing.

And I’m watching that, from a remote controlled helicopter ten thousand feet up—-that’s live feeding to a satellite 100,000 feet above the helicopter.



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