Sunday, March 19, 2023

Why is it so difficult for a while guy to get gangbanged by a group of gay black cocks and be fucked like there's no tomorrow? by Kyle Phoenix

Because we, some Black folk, Black men, who fuck men, don’t like you enough.

Notice in the question the White guy is a guy——a human.

But the Blacks are just gay Black cocks.

We're dehumanized in White gay fantasies.

But having been sort of dehumanized themselves as gay men by other White hetero men, some White gay men think they can lean on that old, familiar crutch of trickle down niggerization. There’s a fuller theory, supported by Frantz Fanon that the oppressed—-niggers (outside of a racial/cultural connotation and just from a lower human being meaning)—-niggerize someone else lower in the social rankings to feel better about being niggerized.

So some gay White men think not only will I get my psychological rocks off but I’ll get pleasure too.

Notice again in the question there’s no discussion or alluding to the Black men (yes, I’ll humanize them) being pleasured by the White guy? These gay Black dudes show up——no, I don’t know how one recruits for such activities——and promptly get hard (as all of us Black dudes can instantly do when presented with any form of sexual situation—-notice said White guy isn’t aged or outlined—-just a general White guy—-so we Blacks are automatically turned on—-ostensibly. by his Whiteness) and we will fuck HIM to pleasure. We are of service.

Hmmmm, what does that sound like?

White people even some White gay men can’t conceive of the fact that Whiteness isn’t an aphrodisiac to Black men. Porno has imbued to White gay men that anything they can conceive of is possible. When in truth what porno shows is that anything you can conceive of is filmable and actors will do it for the right amount of compensation. Which I suppose is the answer to the question: the compensation, simply being White, isn’t enough for a horny group of Black men to rush across town, in synchronicity, to rail a White guy to his…..”heart’s” content.

White gay men, being available to be fucked by a Black guy aren’t simply as unique as White gay men might think. See here’s what segregation doesn’t teach White people, historically: We’ve always had more access and entrance and entrée and interaction with White people, whether by choice, necessity or force. White people have enclaved in different societies based upon race/culture—-specifically in Western societies, so they’ve had less general access and therefore familiarity, to Blacks in person/culture.

We know you (Whites) far better than you will ever know us (Blacks) as a separate social group.

By all that big headed thinking words means is that in a very real way: White people aren’t that special to us, not as special as you, being White, might think we regard you.

Now White people, more than some, regard us as different to exotic to unique—-because of segregation. In segregation though, White people don’t have to come to the Black neighborhoods for work and food and money and resources. So Black folk, whether in active or not social segregation, Black gay men here, have regularly had opportunity and offer to fuck White gay men we have penetrated White enclaves (yes, purposeful pun). Some choose to and some choose not to based upon attraction, interest and yes, because they’re White—-fetishizing White gay men for their, Black men’s sexual pleasure and psychological pleasure. Just like I’m sure many gay White men choose to or not to fuck gay Black men, who were available.

But here’s the rub, the inversion of sexual racism——White gay men are plentiful to be fucked if you’re a Black gay man and not that special nor exotic. They’re rather common and available—-this question being asked in a public online forum proves that.

Deeper (yes, a pun here too) White people rarely look at the detrimental effects of racism and racialization of others, upon them. White people are far more accessible to us than Blacks are to Whites, is the answer. Because often what is so easily accessible, so free, isn’t considered valuable. And that is the Black racist inversion of prejudicial thought towards White people. White people, segregated out of Black, and Black gay conversations, don’t get to hear how bland and unattractive some Black gay men find White gay men, simply because they are White. Which sort of answers the question with it’s own insane backwash of prejudice.

Ain’t race just a jellybean bowl of insanity? lol


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