Sunday, March 19, 2023

Why is monogamy rare among gay couples? by Kyle Phoenix


Women have approximately 400 menstrual cycles—-400+ potential pregnancies—-in their lifetime.

Men, from when they start producing semen-sperm—-10 to 12 years old until death——- can produce 10,000+ offspring PER ejaculation.

Okay, that would be an interesting as a biological scientific comparative fact between two sexes. (There are at least 21 Sexes with biological differences on the spectrum of biological sex.)

However, what differentiates us along that 21 Biological Sex identity are the levels of hormones, pointedly, estrogen and testosterone. We are infused/produce both but each creates a different reaction. Now those hormones also affect how we sexually express ourselves. Take Keith Swain’s work in Dynamic Duos, explaining non hetero men (and hetero men) as Alphas and/or Betas or a combination of both, as non-hetero men and the comparative differences—-physiological, emotionally, mentally and relationally, created by hormone levels.

Dynamic Duos: The Alpha/Beta Key to Unlocking Success in Gay Relationships
Dynamic Duos: The Alpha/Beta Key to Unlocking Success in Gay Relationships

So now we have several fundamentals that affect how we are as humans, as males, as males who are sexually interested in other men. It’s all natural. But what shifts that from low to high, from direct to indirect, from possible to implausible, are again, hormones, specifically testosterone.

Now lets add in another context that I offer to men in workshops when we’re talking about sex, sexuality etc.: Testosterone is like jet fuel but it is non-discriminatory.

By non-discriminatory, what I mean is that the jet fuel——to do, to be active, to produce—-to be sexual, to fuck——does not wane due to sexuality—-hetero, homo, bi, pan, omni, trans, skolio, etc.. And more specifically, active non-heterosexuality can magnify/enhance the “jet fueled” propulsion/potency of testosterone.

How so?

We, humans, biologically “activate and enhance” one another. So when we are together we are constantly signaling one another with our biological chemicals and our hormones. Men, signal one another with testosterone. We signal each other to activate it.

Now think of testosterone, our jet fuel, as fuel for an airplane. But think of different kinds of airplanes. There are bi-planes but some are fighter jets and other passenger planes. That signaling is attached to us, within us differently, based upon other factors.

Now lets use those factors to apply to sexuality's, specifically non-heterosexuality.

Assume that there is a slot machine in men, all men, that based upon other factors shifts the interior wheel to rest on Sex, Gender and Sexual Orientation. Each fueled by our jet fuel-testosterone.

Okay, so now you have a man, who is not heterosexual, and his slot dials to being interested in men.

Why would he, in his sexuality seek monogamy, when he knows he can’t get another man pregnant—-as much as he desires to fuck him (testosterone rising as an emotional impulse.)?

Monogamy. Why, not what, is it?

Monogamy was socially designed for two main purposes—-to identify children to men/their fathers—-as there was a time when we were in a tribe and conceivably, as we all looked similar and had no DNA testing, there wasn’t a definitive way to identify that Bob impregnated Jane and the baby was his. After all our, tribes were generally about 150 folk in size so Bob had 74 other potential male competitors for Susan.

But if Bob and Susan had an agreement, say sealed by a marriage pact—-then Bob could be 99% sure that little Joseph was his son.

This was so important because it meant that secondly, Bob, a successful farmer could comfortably know that he was working to leave his ranch to his son and would have the third benefit of a sense of immortality in a legacy through Joseph and Joseph’s eventual offspring and management of the ranch. This is literally how empires are not just created but substantiated and passed along.

But monogamy also benefited women—-who perhaps due to environment and lack of historical education/power, could not manifest as much in terms of resources as men could. So what does Susan have to offer besides her variable level of beauty, her limited lifetime, to Bob besides love and affection for his fealty and resources?


Susan needs Bob to remain loyal to her though. On many levels based upon their society she needs a way to ensure Bob doesn’t wander to the other 74 women in the village because Bob’s sexuality has a similar repercussion as does Susan’s potential infidelity—-offspring that can lay claim through a pervasive human legal-ownership system. Flipsides of the same dynamic.

Monogamy serves the interests of both because of the reproductive consequence, legacy, love and affection and the future.

Monogamy is a future-oath-promise.

Now, Two Dudes Are Fucking

What is the outcome?

I teach in workshops that no matter the amount of semen and sperm that flies between men, there will be no child produced. Now here’s what men who are fucking each other know—-that no matter the amount of semen and sperm that flies between men, there will be no child produced.

There is no legal-tribal-social obligation or threat of a future repercussive obligation to fucking a dude.

Testosterone, the jet fuel, pushes men to propagate—-to at least try to share and impregnate to produce as a biological urge, or better to expunge his sperm, to make more (people) for the future.

Just because a man is fucking a dude doesn’t mean that biological testosterones urges go away. In fact, as we signal one another, two men in close proximity, heighten the potency of testosterone—-which is why men in relationships and close living quarters, enhance the others’ testosterones——and so many non-hetero men are impulsed/pushed to be sexual with another person besides their mate.

The testosterone made them do it, literally.

Women and children, having lower testosterone levels, chemically exude more estrogen, lowering testosterone in men, a reactive hormone, which makes the man's estrogen levels rise—-which is how women and children survive being in households with men, who testosterone gives a more violent temper to. Estrogen teaches men to calm down, it soothes them, it activates in them their estrogen so that they calm down. And it creates the Dad Bod—-more fat, more estrogen —-completely natural. also in here is men gaining weight and becoming bi/homosexual Bottoms—-they have more estrogen in their bodies without exercise and excessive fat, so they seek injections/infusions of testosterone——yet, male to male testosterone attraction—-another hijacking of the hormone slots of same sex attracted men are not always geared towards/attracted to fat. Fat is feminized and thereby fat and estrogen big boys are not wholly attractive to testosterone men—-in some ways testosterone seeking testosterone complements.

(Which is same sex attraction as another slot that same sex men who are bigger don’t consider—-penis and penetrable ass does not insure a man will be turned on by you, just because of Sex and Gender presentation.)

But without consciousness of estrogen’s necessity in a relationship, and ways to “get it” to balance——men with men increase, by several fold, the intensity/potency of testosterone when in close quarters with other men. (This is exampled in the military, sports teams, prisons, etc..)

That jet fuel though must be expended then, so men seek the outlet for it. Sex. Sex without repercussions (consequences for LGBTSGL men being yes, STIs) but the byproduct is not visible (like a kid.) When working with LGBTSGL non profits on safe sex campaigns I suggested two tactics—-targeting Bottoms, who were receiving the love juice more often AND lots and lots of pictures of men dying for the visual of what STIs wrought.

So men keep trying to inseminate per testosterone’s (partial) directive, into men, excessively, belying the construct of monogamy, because there is no social-biological nor legal repercussive future, in the act of homosexuality.

Men are trying to literally—-get it, if they’re Bottoming, or give, if they are Topping, a man, a human, biological vessels with their “seed”.

Within Swain’s work there’s a divergent idea that men, who are Bottoming, are trying to receive testosterone/androgens. But other dials on their 3 (or More) Slotted machine—-Sex (biological Sex), Gender (emotional identification of self to present to others) and Sexual Orientation—-are not “in sync”.

Does this mean that non-heterosexuality is “not Natural”?

No, there are people with a desire-biologically to be impregnated or impregnate—-men and women—-but don’t. Don’t want to. Refuse to.

Consider this from a bigger space—-what if there are MORE slots on our machine of Identity that we have not “attached” to our identity slot machine? Unidentified identity slots that affect and effect the other slots?

What if there are a dozen Or more “slots”?

So we’re a mass, a biological machine, of multiple, converging and contrasting, and yes, conflicting “slots”?

Which is where Identity-Self-Consciousness becomes so interesting.

We are Diversity, we are a multiverse that is often trying to reconcile a singular social contextualization, that can never “fit”.

We think of Sex, the act, as wholly by choice, but it is by Choice AND Biological Impulse. We also choose to ignore this multiplicity (probably for active sanity’s sake) but we are still acting it out. We then act it out with multiple partners because other aspects of our Overall Identity, do not align to possess or create the social closeness to women and children, that would allow us to mitigate the Actions of non-monogamy. Gay men don’t get as much estrogen tampering to their testosterone production as hetero men might and in fact, with more proximity to other men, are enhancing their testosterone production.

Monogamy itself is an imposed slot onto our Natural Slot Machine. So men, all men, no matter sexuality, choose to ignore its’ “message”/influence upon the rest of their slots.

Heterosexual men have more repercussive “losses” if they choose non-monogamy—-so they try to mitigate it with other things—-lies, open marriages, polyamory, getting married, children—-some of these imposing natural restrictions, to further restrict a biological impulse.

Non-hetero men do some of the above too. But can choose not to, and bluntly, fucking is fun, exciting stimulating, soothing, relaxing, dynamic and exhilarating, because we’re doing an activity that naturally and pleasurably aligns probably not just 3 of our Slots but dozens more that we’re not consciously aware of and/or science has yet to completely identify.

Multiple Orgasm Training for Men: A Guide for Bi, Gay, Omnisexual, Straight and Same Gender Loving Men
2020 EDITION w/ MORE UPDATES! "Your sexuality is good natural and divinely right. Once you define it you have the right to explore and enhance it. Now it's time for you to reach the pinnacle of your sexual abilities."---Kyle Phoenix This book in the Kyle Phoenix Series focuses on multip...

Don’t think of monogamy as rare instead as simply “not necessary” for the survival of men in non-heterosexual engagement.





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