Sunday, March 19, 2023

What are the down sides of being gay, health-wise? by #KylePhoenix


The proliferation of the positive ideology of STIs. They’re literally everywhere. Being HIV-, having never had an STI, never smoked, never done drugs—-I’m starting to feel more and more like a unicorn or like I’m in a white tuxedo walking through a coal mine.

I was just thinking, as I got yet the 4 millionth email with a sexual offer, naked pics, and a link to a profile—-that does honestly have his Poz status but he looks…ill. He’s 34. he looks 54.

What i was thinking is that somewhere along the compassion for those with HIV and AIDS and other STIs, we, the world, LGBTSGL community seem to have forgotten a human directive/ideology——The Human Goal is to NOT Catch Any Diseases.

No, really.

As a man of color, the CDC projects that me, and my cohorts, 50% of us will become HIV+ in our lifetimes because the proliferation of transmission is so high amongst Black and Latino men. That means that every Black and Latino dude I meet or chat up, there’s a 50/50 he is already HIV+. This seems very abstract until you have done years of work that I have at non-profits, Black and Latino male non-profits——and look out across workshops of 50 to 100 men and realize———oh, wait……..

One of the reasons, psychologically is that men who have sex with men become exhausted with the constant negotiation around safe sex, constantly having to reconsider or turn down men because of risky sexual behaviors (last night a guy, in 2022, hit me up and said his HIV Status was: I Don’t Know—-in 2022!) Or negotiate them being honest and being positive or them not being honest and being positive.

Now here’s the further kicker—-HIV is just ONE of the proliferate STIs amongst MSM, so the whole PRep and Positive but Undetectable argument is moot. And the scientific consensus is that infected with one, increases exponential the possibility and eventuality of being infected with another.

There's syphilis.






Super HIV


And you still have to LIKE him as a human being with his assorted baggage. And he still has to LIKE me.

It’s like a fucking shooting gallery and I’m constantly navigating, dodging, against my Safe Sex Standards to not contract anything because I have to consider what gay agencies NEVER talk about. Raising children. Say I catch some singular or combo of the above STIs?—-what about my kids? Say my lifetime, another 50 years, is cut in half?

See, what no one tells you in the mass advertising is that anti-virals don’t work for everyone, that 27+ years is the Olympiad longevity—-but it’s as low as 5+ years in places like Charlotte, due to super resistant to anti-viral strains of things like HIV and syphilis and rampant health care disparities based upon race/culture, socio economic status, age and income. They don’t tell you this because it’s bad for the ads to say—-you know PRep/it might work for you….like……maybe.

(I’m often amazed by how everyone has everything from aliens to government to COVID to 9/11 conspiracies but just shrug and accept any info about men, HIV, gay sexuality, antivirals. Shrug—-must be true. Now Mars? Teeming with life the government doesn’t want us to know about….. The one conspiracy theory perpetuated by pointedly Black man—-several have trapped me after workshops to explain this—-is that HIV doesn’t exist. Throwing all of their back of a pamphlet scientific knowledge at it, it’s a hoax. I often am able to make my escape by challenging their theory that it’s a racialized hoax with: why do African, Asian, South American, Chinese, Russian doctors see it too with microscopes if it’s an American conspiracy to destroy Black gay men? Because scientists, the world over, trained in universities that are not American would never——check the authenticity and existence of something—-just blindly accept that exists and that’s what they’re finding in their population. But Black/Latino people, for all of their railing against White Supremacy, worship it and give it All God Power. (#slaveryworked) As they ponder I skitter away.)

So I’m left in life playing Don’t Get In The Game/Become an Attractive Involuntary Celibate, Question Like I’m Sexual Columbo or Give Up and Take It As a Fait Accompli.

That’s the ongoing health risk that exists by being a man who is interested in potentially having sex with another man, in America, NYC in 2022.

The propaganda to be compassionate is proliferating accepting STIs, which are detrimental to men’s health. Truth.


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