Monday, July 2, 2018

Kyle Phoenix Answers: What is the deepest thought you’ve ever had?

I have had experiences of controlling or influencing reality.
What if we can all, always do it?
For instance, maybe fifteen years ago I had a discussion with my mom and she calmly stated that when she would go to sleep, the world vanished. Upon waking, her memory reassembled reality.
I thought she was narcissistic. Ok, she was but I thought this was one of her heights. Then I saw What the bleep do we know? And this exact thought and theory was espoused and "proven" within quantum mechanics.
Ok, over the years I've had experiences, almost like out of my peripheral vision of manipulating reality. Small things...trains awaiting me, money arriving (yesterday I was taking $40 out of the atm and there was so much more there that I checked my receipt, afraid I had added a zero), people in ny path, "luck", I've rarely been denied a job I've applied for....i just sort of set----there, that one and energy,attention flow creates access.
I often stop myself in stress or limited thought and review how often I've known the next step or when to be still, calmly do my thing and await the next shift.
I often think that this is all manipulable but not with a heavy hand, it's like a soft, glancing wisp of a touch and flick. Or like a needle, not a hammer, focused energy yes, but not a huge explosion or force.
Once on Oprah, Martha Stewart and she, got into this side discussion about accomplishing things so much so that you could see by the audience it was off script for the rest of the room...and Oprah was like she can see and will things and Martha Stewart was like she's almost to the point where she can bend utensils, steel with her thoughts. There was a truthful but casual intensity in that moment.
I think it's true and perhaps my mothers perception is true to, we're holding this together and can consciously manipulate it. I know that spookily enough I've written many aspects of my life and relationships into existence.

Smile, Kyle

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