I've been working this process since 11/2016.
I combined the 6-7 Systems with a Strategic Planning document I use in consulting.
That helped me to parse out a 9 Step Production Plan for books, videos, tv show, etc individually. I can now look and see where a project is, before that everything was warring to be in the forefront.
Next it forced me to codify and explore marketing, I'd thought of some things, looked at others but now I break them down better. I've mapped out an expo presentation with signs, staffing, materials, etc so next month all I have to do is see/measure the space and then I'll be ready with reusable materials ---Marcus Lemonis, The Profitepisodes really helped with this too. I understood expos of course but id never planned a large scale booth before.
Detailed financials. There are at least 8 streams of income into my company so I've backtracked them and printed them all out. Digital Excel files are easy to close and ignore. With pencil and highlighter I look at trends. I ask deeper questions. Not what sold but I've kept a general running business journal and various monthly calendars for severs years now so I can see why Book #18 suddenly sold 30% more copies in a certain month/year range.
I've done a lot of traveling in the past five years so I can also say oh that was when I was mostly in the house focused on social media or that was when I poured more time into blog posts. I can then isolate if I can repeat or incorporate or enhance to some other marketing effect.
E Myth asked me such specific information questions that I now have multiple data sets to answer with, and I'm still not finished with the overall evaluation and reformation.
Demographic and Psychographic information is big and both easy for some tracking and near impossible from others. Google and Facebook give best info. Amazon gives locations info. Constant Contact gives specific reactions and Sendlane does the same but it allows landing webpage creation to collect info. Cc you can create surveys. EBay, not much. But balled together I get a broad spectrum of info that tells me a full story. I've done many Cc campaigns because I have a lot of content to send out. But now I'm conscious of Marketing campaigns in a deeper way.
Demographic and Psychographic information is big and both easy for some tracking and near impossible from others. Google and Facebook give best info. Amazon gives locations info. Constant Contact gives specific reactions and Sendlane does the same but it allows landing webpage creation to collect info. Cc you can create surveys. EBay, not much. But balled together I get a broad spectrum of info that tells me a full story. I've done many Cc campaigns because I have a lot of content to send out. But now I'm conscious of Marketing campaigns in a deeper way.
The difference is I would send out an email, an ad, a blog, a newsletter to my list of about 10,000. The response back is layered---downloads, page hits, sales, followers. But the evidence of the wave takes 2-3 months. I used to fret more at 1 month but now I plan campaigns sometimes 18 months out. So say Blog Number # 706 will hit as email, post to Facebook in a cascade. The Facebook promos post might space out to # 706 posts, three times a week for three months, then twice a week for three months, then once a week for a year.
I used to be afraid of oversaturated posting but it takes 9 plus postings to get attention. Partially the week of my cable show is advertising me.
I used to be afraid of oversaturated posting but it takes 9 plus postings to get attention. Partially the week of my cable show is advertising me.
I now post links to the cable internet live stream feed of the show and embed it into my whole network -----I'm toying with launching a more robust network by daisy chaining multiple affiliates and live streams. The problem is one, networking takes time; two, I'm forced to content edit some of other peoples sexuality based products and productions.
Essentially in a nutshell do I go dildos and actual links to X rated materials or not and how do I justify and secure such additions?
Eventually I'll be able to align posting, TV show, topics and blogs from past to present but right now I'm constricted by production lead time---4 episodes of the TV show.
Gerber teaches a lot about integration which I've been working on for years now. I'm at a good point for a systematic overhaul from EMyth now because I see my business differently or what it really is.
I used to think i essentially sold books, videos, etc. Now I recognize I'm managing an informational network and creating varied content print, video, digital. I thought it was a train of separate cars, but it's really a web, like a spider web of systems that must integrate reasonably seamlessly. That sounds easy. It's like cleaning up my room but with the intent of efficiently getting out the door in fifteen minutes every day, at any hour.
Gerber has a particular exercise where you stop and re-plan your whole operation with what you know now to make a new company. Sounds easy but there are still a whole range of tasks within tasks to do.
Gerber has a particular exercise where you stop and re-plan your whole operation with what you know now to make a new company. Sounds easy but there are still a whole range of tasks within tasks to do.
Smile, Kyle
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· Email: KylePhoenixShow@Gmail.com
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