Sunday, June 17, 2018

Kyle Phoenix Answers: What do people with very high IQs do all day?

I tested very high as a young adult, no, really high.

I find I'm often overqualified or capable at one job so I generally do several, run a small business, volunteer for projects. I find the variety in teaching is great, lots of subjects to delve into and think on.

I'm generally thinking about probability mechanics and number series.
I read Spiral Dynamics so I think a lot about application of measurement systems, social, psychological, personal through SD to understand it better. Donald Trump, Orange, Capitalism, Hillary Clinton, orange green, unity, egalitarianism....from red/blue Americans he's the next natural progression up the Spiral. Yeah that's how I see politics, not all the emotion. I can appreciate Carl Rove's thinking, I'm reading a biography on him.

I'm always writing several books and I just came up with a narrative style to apply to a manuscript to get from one character to another and to explore ployamory instead of a love triangle.
Another book, in its 11 draft, galley in hand I'm applying a suggestion from the late great Elmore Leonard of taking out descriptors like he said, she said...angrily, laughing, cried ...instead strengthening the dialogue itself to infer feeling. It's like deciding to defrost a cake...careful, exciting, tedious, but ultimately satisfying work.

Michael Gerber's E myth and E Myth Revisited have me working on a seven part 150 business process and systems document. Doing it though has changed how I work on my business.
The business marketing/branding of tv show and books has me redesigning, proofing subway ads, a whole social media campaign, free newsletters (30-40 pages a piece a month to combine into a quarterly magazine) to use at two events as giveaways and an expo late next year.

Considering resumes for sales reps and budgets for events, expos.

Tentative outline of a 1000 venue, 2-3 year book tour.

Purchasing stock and investment real estate with yearly profits.

Books to buy,books to finish reading. I read close to five hundred a year.

Replicating a butter, herb encrusted roast beef. Replicating a lobster mac and cheese bacon topped casserole. Adding cheddar and mozzarella to a store bought quiche and the mountain of side greenery I'll need to justify that as a dinner.

I'm designing an advanced elementary, middle, high school that tracks as accelerated so that it accomplishes 2 years of ivy league university.

Getting said ivy league university to see this project as assisting my Ph.D. work and funding part of it.

More sex. Being at peace with not being interested in a ltr right now because I feel so productive.
How many marketing campaigns must I launch and what 500 books written and published by 2020 will feel like. There are already close to a hundred on Amazon with more coming out.
If I'm doing enough, how to help more people with media. Being a better teacher and writer and student.

French toast and sausages.

Smile, Kyle

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