Sunday, October 28, 2018

Is it normal that I somewhat distrust and dislike African Americans? Answered by Kyle Phoenix

No, it's not weird or abnormal. It means simply that focused and subtle racial discrimination tactics have worked successfully on you. You've been well co-opted and your core self the victim of a psychologically manipulative inception. You probably are infected with other tropes and biases that are truthy, based in conjecture and distorted reality. Several of them are detrimental to your personal growth, success and relationships. You're also an inception breeder to others, some you've replicated diseased thinking to and others were advanced enough to get away from you.

The real question is now that you know you have the racism flu (a victim of racial based discrimination yourself by your cultural and ethnic background, proving that Masters, plantations and Jim Crow mentalities were subcontracted to the very relatives it was used to oppress so that the oppressors could go on about their merry way), what are you going to do to change, challenge and oppose the brainwashing that you and millions of others are inflicted with?


Sonya Abarcar

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