Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Kyle Phoenix Answers: Why does it bother Black people so much to see other Black people date or marry outside their race?

Racism isn't simply I'm not nice to you, its social imprisonment, I use and fuck you because you are not human.

That historical experience won't go away just because one guy had a dream and made a speech. I'm amazed here on Quora how naive people are about race, who are non-white. One it is a social construct, which means guys like Blumenbach took a check to invent pseudoscience, write up papers of intellectually sounding import to a population of 20% literacy to convince them that lighter skin was different in human measurement than darker.

The only biological differences between humans are ear wax type and blood type. Everything else is within genetic species drift, environment and hereditary.

Pulling all that together, bs science, Blacks were not just convinced but their lives depended on a wholesale belief in the social construct. That means that I buy into anti-miscegenation laws; the origin of the word motherfucker is of white men who would regularly rape black women and then abandon them, use the offspring and not acknowledge it as their children----you weren't a father, you were just a mother fucker; there are 3000 plus recorded lynchings of black men up until 1970, most on spurious charges of attention, attack or sexual contact with whites or truly heinous ,whistling at a white woman so Emmett Till was beat to death. In 2013 the woman supposedly whistled at admitted it was all a lie she made up.

So now we have rape, death and even children being killed at mixing, plus a sexualization and objectifying of Black bodies and a liberal dosage of legal oppression and ostracization. would you encourage your children to cross color lines? Would you risk it?

Black people have literally been killed in front of one another up until today, the psychological scars are going to take more than 50 years to widely open the dating pool. Like Jews in Israel, Black people are deeply traumatized by repeated assault. We're circling our wagons and healing first and the boldest, most socially liberated are venturing out into Mr. And Mrs. Loving territory.

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