Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Kyle Phoenix Answers: Why does the progressive movement demonize the white straight male, when they are could be allies, observers who would let them be them otherwise?

Because historically to the disenfranchised white males have been like pedophiles: Friendly at first. Creepy but seemingly benign. And then raping and pillaging as they had always planned.
Columbus arrives at Hispaniola, waves, love, hugs, thank you.....let me check out the lower Caribbean, we'll be back and then I'll go tell my queen what marvelous people you are. Sailors left behind act wild, are drunkards, attack native girls. Anacaona, leader of a cacique suggests unification of the 6 on Hispaniola, kill the 33 left behind, ambushing Columbus when returns there by creating European doubt to explore again. She marries a leader to unite two, other four dither, Columbus arrives, apologizes profusely for sailors behavior, rushes back Europe returns with armada. Anacaona is one of the first leaders killed by his forces for trying to incite sedition on Hispaniola that he now claims in Isabella s name. Armada then proceeds to kill 600,000 Tainos because they are incapable of heavy mining work for deep ores of gold Columbus wants. Holiday ensues years later.

The history of white men throughout the world is not a good one so they are used at arms length for resources that come with oppression but never trusted.

Yes, some have proven they are down for the people usually by vocally and violently opposing other white men at the protection of others. But even Abraham Lincoln was dissonant and wrote and spoke about hating two things....slavery and niggers. He struggled with that mindset engendered into him even as he morally disagreed with human bondage.

We, women, folk of color, sanction and absorb good white males, trust them to a point.
An interracial marriage couple with kids, the woman black told my class that she adored her children and deeply and profoundly loved her husband of many years . But she never completely trusted him.

That's the price of centuries of oppression and misogyny and a thousand years of wholesale killing women from the tenth century on, estimates ten million women killed in the 1200s, just because white male church officials suspected, suspected !them of heresy. 100,000, 000 Africans dragged onto the high seas and tens of millions killed or suicides. The holocaust, over ten million killed to try and get a less "mongrel" white male race---patriarchy, the Fatherland. Modern day...ten million dead in Vietnam so that France and the U.S. could control oil rights, surface lie about communism. Stalin killed over 40 million. 2 million Iraqis dead in two wars, one a trumped up con job to build six military citadels in middle east to ensure western control and ability to mobilize and take oil when it starts running low in the coming decades. What Jew would trust a group of Germans who wanted to show them some campgrounds. Israeli paranoia and manic security is based on having been near decimated by white men and betrayed by supposed allies like fdr and Churchill, even Sephardic folk are nervous because white men will slit any throat on earth.
White men have really broad, consistent and bad branding.

Any sensible human on earth checks references, watches closely and keeps one eye open, dudes are treacherous.
Don't blame rape victims for not being able to walk it off and go hang out in the locker room after centuries of gang rape by the team.

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